Monday, June 28, 2010

A trip favorite

Hanalei Bay was one our favorite spots in Kauai.  We drove about an hour north of the resort to hang out here for the day and it was well worth it.  The water is calm and aqua marine colored, and even though its a public beach very few people were there.  It was so peaceful.  In front of us was the bay, to the left of us mountains.
The north part of the island, Princeville, is known for being the rainy side of the island.  It rained for about a minute on our way there and that was it.  Outside the beach area there is an old school shopping area.  It's not built up and overpriced, its just mom and pop shops which was really cool.  We bought a few things and then had a Hawaiian staple - Shave Ice.  It's like a snow-cone, only a million times better.  A friend of ours recommended this particular vendor so we had to get some here, and on a hot day it hit the spot.
We really like how laid back everyone is on the island.  No business has a clock on the wall, traffic goes about 35 miles per hour, and no one is in a hurry. 

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