Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Busy newsroom + technical problems = CHAOS

 Newsrooms aren't exactly a calm and quiet place, it's why many of us got into the business.  On an ordinary day there is a lot to handle.  What's the news of the day? How do we tell the story well and get it on the air in seven hours?  But when you toss computer problems into the mix - yikes.  One of the main pieces we need to put a newscast on the air is our switcher, and Monday morning it just wouldn't turn on.  Plus, this particular day was a big news day, everyone was racing to get stories done on deadline. 

The production crew had to come up with a plan B.  With our switcher broken, it basically renders everything else obsolete.  Luckily we have a production van to cover live sporting events, so with wires running everywhere and people shouting back and forth we were able to pull off a newscast using a van that's sitting in our garage.

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