Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A true country bar

Last weekend I went home for a few days.  Traveling was a bit of a problem, snow storms managed to mess with both ends of my trip, but once I made it to NY I had a great time.

One of the highlights of the trip was going out with my sister and her boyfriend.  We stopped by a bar near their apartment.  There is no way any GPS would find this place.  Heck, more people arrive by snowmobile than cars this time of year.  It's a small bar called Rusty P's.  It's a 'come as you are' can wear a hoodie or hunting gear and it's perfectly normal.  The bartender splits her time making drinks and putting wood in the wood stove to keep the place warm.  (That's the wood stove right in the front of the bar.)
The best part about this place is that everyone is friendly.  I miss that.  If you don't know someone, they'll come over and introduce themselves, probably with a beer in their hand. 

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