Monday, December 27, 2010

My first solo batch of brittle

Every Christmas I can remember involves peanut brittle.  It's one of few recipes we can trace back several generations.  As far as we know, my great gramma Maude made peanut brittle over the holidays and passed the traditions down to my gramma, my mom, and now me.   It could go back even further, we're not sure. 

This year, for the first time, I made it myself.  Usually, I make it with my mom's supervision, but since I've been away from home now for some time, I decided it was time to give it a try.  

I'm happy to say, I remembered all the steps! You have to boil ingredients, use a candy thermometer, and spread the mix fast when it's done.  It's all about timing.  When we were little our job was to spread the peanut brittle.  My mom would say, 'Man your stations!"  And my sister and I would grab heavily greased spatulas and spread the nutty mix all over cookie sheets.  (This year, Jason had to help with that part.)

I made several batches and gave it away as gifts in mason jars.  Not bad for my first attempt, thanks to years of practice.

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