Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

We didn't go far to ring in the new year, we stayed at a hotel about 15 minutes away.  We checked-in in the afternoon and quickly found the hotel hot tub - which was outside.  It was a balmy 10 degrees, snow was on the ground, and it was hailing (lightly) outside.  Sounds like the perfect hot tub weather doesn't it?  We bolted into the water as fast as possible.      

 After we ran back indoors, and adjusted to the 100+ temperature swing, we got ourselves ready to go to dinner.  We made reservations at a steak and seafood place across the street, where a slightly crazy waitress took our picture. 
Then we spent the rest of the night at the hotel bar.  We had a great time, and spent the rest of the weekend being lazy.  All in all, a great way to bring in 2011!

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