Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bringin' home the hardware

This past weekend was a busy one.  My family came out to Minnesota to visit and to attend the regional Emmy awards with us.  I was nominated for an award for a special newscast I put together on cold cases.

So my family flew 1500 miles for this event, and what happens?  Our dinner went a little late and we missed my award category!  Now in years past the event hasn't started on time and the cable news awards have always been last so we didn't think much of it when we walked in 15 minutes late.  Well, they changed things up this year, and we missed my category.

We found out later that I had indeed won the emmy!  At the end of the awards ceremony I went to claim the one lone statue that was sitting on the table at the end of the night.  At least I have a story to tell!
A few of us went up to the stage afterward to snap a few pictures near the giant Emmy statues on stage.
 Ben and I celebrated after we finally got the statue.  Ben is the talented photographer that helped me put the cold case series together.

The rest of the night was much smoother.  12 News was nominated for 5 Emmy's and we won 4 of them.  Here's the news crew...
Despite the bad timing, we all had a good time!  Since we were late there weren't enough seats for all 12 of us to sit together so they put us all up in the balcony.  We had the whole place to ourselves, which is good....we're not exactly the quietest bunch. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Vikings win!

While my family was in town we went to see Brett Favre in action.  It turns out Jeff, Ashley's boyfriend, is a huge Vikings fan so we all went to see the purple boys in action.  It was a sell out crowd, more than 63,000 people packed the dome.  It amazed me that at least 85% of fans were wearing a jersey.  I mean, are you less of a fan if you're not wearing a purple silk shirt with someone else's name on it? lol.  
The Vikings won their first game of the season against the Detroit Lions.


One busy visit!

It's been said my family is like a force of nature.  It's true.  Get us all together and we're constantly on the go.  This weekend was no different.  When my mom, sister, and sister's boyfriend came out to visit Jason and I for a long weekend we packed all four days full of activities.  We went to a comedy club, went shopping, attended an award show, went to a Vikings game, and of course went out for a few drinks.

I think it's safe to say, we're quite exhausted but it was worth it. 

It was great to see you guys!

News themed breakfast

If there was a headline to sum up the past year at Channel 12 it would be: Three weddings, and a baby.  It seems every month we're celebrating a big event - there must be something in the water!  It's meant a lot of party planning for the women of 12.  Our latest endeavor was a 'news themed' breakfast for Jennifer, who is getting married this weekend.

I merely assisted with this effort.  A creative friend of mine, Shannon, came up with the whole idea and presentation. 

Each breakfast food represents something in the newscast.  'Live shots' were little yogurt cups.  'Newsblocks' were little squares of a breakfast casserole, you get the idea.  It was quite a hit with everyone including the guest of honor.
Shannon and Jen 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wacky weather

We're used to crazy winter weather.  Lake effect snow we can handle, but hail storms are another thing.  The other night the weather looked fine, then all the sudden we hear a crack of thunder and hail starts coming down - but its perfectly clear outside - bright and sunshiny.  I grabbed the camera, opened the door a crack and shot a little video...check out the rainbow.  (Fortunately it only lasted about ten minutes and it didn't do any damage.)

My hometown's newest addition

My best friend and her husband welcomed their new baby boy, Calvin Michael, to their family a few weeks ago.  He was born on August 8th and weighed in at 8lbs. 6oz.  Michelle and Travis brought him home a few days later and are doing well, although they're a little sleep deprived. 
Michelle and I grew up together.  We have pictures of the two of us in girl scouts when we were little. 

Three years ago I was part of her wedding, and this past June she was part of mine. Despite being seven months pregnant she still rocked the dance floor! My how times have changed since our days in girl scouts....
Congrats to Copenhagen's newest parents!