Saturday, July 9, 2011

A fishing trip to remember

For a whole week we left the hustle and bustle of work and household chores to slip away to Ely, MN.  This was a special trip for us, not just because neither Jason nor I had been there before, but because Jason's parent's came to MN for the first time.

They made the 19 hour trip west to our house and then another four hour jaunt up north to the cabin.  Once we arrived it didn't take long to unwind.  We spent a few hours each day fishing, playing games and enjoyed each others company.  The mornings were spent on Burntside Lake trying to convince fish to nibble on our lines, and the afternoons and evenings playing cards or Trivial Pursuit.

We also took in some wildlife.  We watched an eagle fly around one of the islands and a pair of loons carry their baby around on their back.