Monday, May 23, 2011

A season full of severe weather (already)

We've had a crazy spring. First it snowed in early May, then we went right into tornado season. In the past two weeks the tornado sirens have sounded a dozen times, mostly over this past weekend. Several tornadoes have ripped up trees and wrecked homes.  While we haven't had any significant damage in our town, Minneapolis wasn't so lucky.  On Sunday a tornado touched down in North Minneapolis.  It killed one person, injured 30 others and left a trail of destruction. 

On Monday I did a story about the storm damage.  You can check out the story here.  While out, I snapped a few pictures.  It's amazing what mother nature can do.  This tornado was on the ground for less than three minutes and managed do a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

From defensive end to boxer

There has been a lot of buzz in the sports world about a Minnesota Viking that decided to switch careers.  Defensive end Ray Edwards went from his purple uniform on the gridiron to red silk shorts in a boxing ring.  The 260 pound football player fought his first pro fight at a casino this past Saturday night. 

We made the mini trek up to Hinckley's Grand Casino to watch the fight.  Edwards wound up winning after four rounds, but it was not an impressive fight.   Crowds were booing.  Jason was more entertained to see Joe Cortez, a notable referee that has a catch phrase, "I'm fair but I'm firm." 

After a disappointing bout, we went straight to the slot machines and entertained ourselves for a bit.

Our new hobby

Over the last few weeks Jason and I have developed a weakness for the ponies lol.  We have several race tracks near our house, which we have been fans of for several years, but this is the first year we put money on the big races.  We bet on the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness, with pretty good success.  Well, it's probably more accurate to say we rotate our success.  For the derby, I picked the second place horse while Jason's horse was carted off in ambulance.  But in the Preakness my horse came in dead last, while Jason picked the winner!
Now our winnings aren't going to allow us to retire or anything, but having a bet on a race makes it really fun to watch.  The last leg of the Triple Crown race is the Belmont, which happens in a few weeks.  Maybe we'll both have good luck on this one!